Selling – One for All Apartment Professionals

Apartment friends and family, it is no secret that selling starts with the ability to love yourself. If you don’t love yourself then you haven’t the slightest chance of getting anyone to love you back. And, in my head, getting people to fall in love with you first and your content second is the master-key to riches when it comes to selling.

Master Key to Riches in Four StepsMaster Key Apartment Marketing Selling

1. Love your heart [Read: Stay away from those that would bring you down. And, get real close to those who amp you up].

2. Love your mind [Read: Think well enough of yourself to read literature that makes you think deeply. Talk to people who challenge your intellect and blow you away].

3. Love your body [Read: Eat well and exercise regularly].

4. Love your soul [Read: Find purpose. Find meaning. Find mindfulness. Find that deeper meaning that amps you. Find that deeper meaning that gives cause for you to wake without the aid of an alarm despite the early hour. Find that thing that keeps you on task and in motion despite any and all setbacks].

Bonus Step: Get clear on the definition of riches. Hint: It has nothing to do with money.

Your – in constant practice of the four steps – multifamily maniac,



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