Have Fun

Buzz marketing for ApartmentsI am sometimes asked how an apartment community can create word of mouth?

I answer it with two words – have fun!

Word of mouth is predicated on that little space between stimulus and response known as choice.

And, people are emotional beings. Even the most logical among us.

Move people’s emotions and you move their willingness to choose to share.

Make it easy for them to share and you have the beginnings of word of mouth.

Your – choosing to have fun and share – multifamily maniac,


pic props – digiktech

0 Responses

  1. In addition to the emotional component of the human character, we’re also *storytellers* — a subject which the media loves to highlight, under the heartfelt conviction that news reporters are fulfilling that basic human desire better than any other profession or craft. So maybe if we combine those emotional triggers with opportunities to create stories and memories, we manifest a perfect climate for word-of-mouth. 

    There’s one aspect about the place where I’m renting at now that I’m always bragging about to my friends: free fitness classes. The situations I encounter throughout the week at these classes always providing valuable material for a good story >> combined with the chemical, emotional sparks that I experience as a natural bi-product of exercise >> my friends are well aware of the positive sentiments I have towards my current residence 😉

    1. Tashina – love your name. Very cool. 

      Thank you for taking the time to chime in. 

      You are spot on and I think it speaks to creating a deeper intimacy with the people we do business with. The specific example you use in the way of the fitness classes is golden. Often times we (as operators) design things with our view of the world in mind and not the view of actual people that live and play in our communities.  

      The challenge we face many times is getting people to actually participate in the activities that would give cause for sharing – the fitness class in your case. 
      If I could ask – what triggers you to go to the class? Is it because it’s free? Is it the innate need/want/desire to be around others? Is it for the health benefit? Or, something deeper in meaning? 

      Have an amazing weekend. 


      1. Aw, thank you! To answer your questions as to which factors influence my participation, the things you mentioned — cost, social interaction, health benefits — certainly come into play. 

        With this particular example, the biggest reasons I participate, in order, are: health benefits, cost, convenience, and peer pressure (I don’t want my buddies to give me a hard time when I don’t show up!)