Selling Apartments: The Six Must Haves


Selling apartments is an art and it is not for everyone. If you think about it, most sales people hear no, we will get back to you, we were just checking the price, we are not ready to commit, we – we – we – we…

The fail rate in selling is off the charts so it takes someone with a thick skin and a constant willing to go after it which brings me to a quick story before we list the six must haves. One of my real estate mentors told me that early in his selling career, he would go door to door trying to get people to buy his service. He would knock, give the pitch, communicate the features and benefits and wait for the answer. And, if the answer was no – he walked the end of the driveway – jumped in the air and when he landed – he would give a simultaneous fist pump and ‘yes’ shout.

Yes – he was excited that his attempt at selling failed in a sense. When I asked him for the punch line – he looked at me steely eyed and said, “Mike, for every no I heard, I knew I was that much closer to a yes.” I am certain that at the tender age of 23 – I exerted one of the smarty pants – really!? remarks. But, he was dead serious. And, I know that it worked for him as he was the hands down, award laden, captain master of the real estate sales world. At least in our small town. When I think of the six must haves I can’t help but to think Bob was the master of all them.


Start with the end in mind. You are selling a solution to a problem that someone has when they email, tweet, comment in the way of, text, call you on the phone or walk in your front door. Discern their interest and desires and marry up your best solution.


You must ooze success. Get your attitude right. Get the behavior right that back up that attitude. Dress the part. Talk the part. And, guess what you will experience success. Reason: people feel you as much as they hear you. Even the most analytical amongst us. They feel the frauds and they move on. Be the real deal, be the difference and people will buy you all day long.


Selling apartments should be an experience that gets talked about. From curb to commode you are an artist actor playing out a part in an award-winning real-time documentary. Your apartment selling is the feature of the film. Everything from curb to commode is the stage where you play out the acts of your selling. Make it a compelling one.

Dream Come True

Be the dream come true for the audience you are acting (Read: Real Deal) out for. When the time comes for the credits to role – expect a standing ovation for the fine work you have just demonstrated. Bask in the fact that you have just given the performance of a life time and the audience has no choice but to shower you with a – yes – yes – yes and one more yes for good measure.


Love is what you are after. Love is what you get when you are part of the solutions for other people. I am not suggesting that love should be tied to task – but, it should be tied to a genuine need to help others without expecting anything in return. If you do what you do because you love it that screams loud and clear in your being and your actions. And, it makes others want to love you back through their actions. In this case – signing leases and moving in.

Dramatic Difference

One could posit that apartments are a commodity and selling them is just a ho-hum part of the routine. And, that might be right. But, not for you. In the end, you are the dramatic difference. You are the one that brings compelling to the table. You are the one that ‘brings the thunder’ as they say. You are the difference that makes a difference when it comes time for someone to say – yes.

My charge to you today – Go for the oscar every time you get a lead…

Your, promoting the six this week, multifamily manic


0 Responses

  1. Well said Mr. Brewer!  Have passion in your leasing each and everytime – love curb to commode term, that def covers it all!