Multifamily Monday: Enthusiasm Energy Authenticity

Enthusiasm Energy Authenticity Multifamily As temperatures start to rise around the country and the leasing activity in all of your offices takes off – it is paramount that your teams are pumped and ready to capitalize. Unless you are in the student housing business you no doubt understand the multifamily seasonal demand curve. For most of us in the Midwest leasing dies down around late October or early November and does not pick back up until late Feb early March. Knowing that, it is key to capture as many new leases as you can during this time. Equally, if not more important it is key to keep as many in-place leases as you can. Enthusiasm, Energy and Authenticity can help you with that.


Enthusiasm is hard work. Enthusiasm doesn’t scream out once your alarm clock goes off in the morning. It doesn’t just happen the second you put your feet on the floor. It doesn’t happen with the first cup of coffee or the first splash of water from the warm shower you hop into.

Not unlike most things, you have to get yourself pumped each day. How do you do that? Some read the bible or other inspirational literature, some listen to music and some meditate. I like to read Tom Peter’s or James Allen to get my day going. Whatever the case – find what it is that gets you pumped in the morning. And, promise me this – you are not getting amp’d because you can’t wait to get to work in the morning but rather because you want to be the best possible you in light of serving others. As nothing gives charge to enthusiasm as much as helping the next guy/gal get charged up.


Energy is born out of activity. I think we get this one backwards sometimes. I see energy as being manufactured out of activities such as exercise. It comes from motion. It takes energy to get out of bed in the morning. It takes energy to walk down stairs to make the coffee. It takes energy to get the dog fed. It takes energy to get your running shoes on. And, it takes energy to pound out a couple of miles before breakfast. But you know what happens when you are disciplined enough to do this daily – you are gifted more energy. You have to spend it to make it.


I really think that authenticity is born out of enthusiasm and energy. When you exude enthusiasm in what you do – no matter the art – you are perceived as being passionate, full of life and authentic. Now you could debate the merits of real enthusiasm and faked or forced enthusiasm but for the purpose of this discussion, let us assume we are talking about the real stuff. And, once you have enthusiasm, energy has no choice but to tag along. You getting pumped about your art and the energy to get it done will follow. And, with these two things working in tandem – your authenticity can’t be contained.

What do you do to get yourself fired up on a Monday morning after a crazy fun off the charts weekend?

Your – going for enthusiasm, energy and authenticity – multifamily maniac,



0 Responses

  1. I often wonder what it really takes to get people to exude the EEA if you will.  I think it is more of a character trait than something you can force.  I find myself asking all the time what can I do to make people more enthusiastic about many things, but most importantly in our industry – making the person who just walked through my door feel incredibly special and served.  I see it all too often when leasing people see someone walk through the door and barely acknowledge their presence much less greet them enthusiastically.  I hate that.  I am not saying you can’t increase your emotional intelligence, I just think if you aren’t passionate about your job it serves everyone better if you find one that does get you jazzed every morning (or at least most mornings). The people who exude enthusiasm that is catching are the ones that I want to do business with – whether I am the customer or the co-worker, it is refreshing.