Apartment Marketing: Busy Work

There are a few things that make me crazy in this world; hidden fees and taxes on my cell phone bill, the $1.00 charge that gas stations tack on when I use my debit/credit card at the pump and apartment marketing busy work. The following is nothing novel but rather a stark reminder of why looking busy is a colossal waste of time.

Grassroots Marketing

You know that continual stream of activity that ensures that everybody sees us doing lots of marketing things so they’ll believe we’re actually committed. Waste. I am not suggesting that leases are not secured this way but I am suggesting that two to four hours away from the property could be more well spent on the internet creating compelling content that moves people to converse with you.

Instead we convince ourselves that there is some sort of deeper meaning in thinking/feeling that we got out and did something. We feel guilty or fearful of using Twitter or Facebook to create conversation that may or may not lead to leasing. Guess what, that two to four hours you spend out marketing to business (at least in the old fashion, I’ll share yours if you share mine fashion) is as productive as lighting dollar bills on fire to warm your house in the winter time.

Don’t Do It

Stop doing that which has zero value just to satisfy the likes of an owner or supervisor and start thinking about things that matter. Things like a compelling product, compelling service, compelling community activities and other compelling things that get people talking.

0 Responses

  1. Best post of the year Mike, Bravo! If, only If we could get our companies to follow that simple advise. We become slaves to our owners rules, however that is only a part of it and maybe even the smaller part. There is a mountain of “Busy Stuff” every company in the land requires their folks to do, “Just Because” Purge, purge, purge, Stop Doing for Doings Sake. 

    There is plenty of time for every company to create their Own Branded Media, you just need to purge the nonsense stuff we require our staff to do everyday that has little bearing on the company or brand. 

    1. Thanks for stopping by Eric.

      I think it’s innate in many of us to misapply the meaning of validation or fulfillment as it relates to work. Or, we happily accept our true North from another because we are not strong enough to speak of alternatives. We are driven by fear and scarcity in lieu of courage and abundance. We see the pie as only so big as opposed to understanding that we have the ability to make more pie(s).

      I am with you – time to purge…

      Have an amazing weekend.


  2. I agree with Eric!  Wonderful post.  It is so refreshing to hear other people say this.  I am still trying to wrap my head around these vague outreach programs the industry pushes.  There is so much emphasis on “feet in the street” marketing and all you get out of it is a handful of business cards to prove you were doing what you were told to do.  Focus on customer service and and everything else will fall into place.  
    There is also the fact that this girl wears heels.  Feet in the street does not work for me.  

  3. This is why I spend my time doing productive things, like coming up with the Friday Not True Donut Fact of the Day. . .