Multifamily Monday: Learn the “Culture”

The Culture of a Multifamily property or corporate officeHow do you build an amazing and over the top culture? 

I read a book some time ago that started with the line (para-phrased); If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. It went on to describe that the aroma of a home is detected the second before you walk across the threshold and into the front door. And, that aroma can elicit memories from ago both good or bad.

It sets the stage for a good, bad or indifferent visit. And, even though it happens in an instant – it happens.

Our properties and/or corporate offices are no different. In a sense, you are either baking apple pie or its rotting on the shelf of inaction or worse yet, ill regard.

Culture is everything in a business. It sets the stage for the people you work with and for; and, it’s powerful in the way of building enduring relationships with the people who live in your communities.

Building Culture in a Word


That’s it. That’s all she wrote folks.

Get Care right and you get right Care. (We will post more on this later).

What are you doing to make sure your aroma is inviting and worthy of partaking in? Cook up a good comment and leave it below – we will eat it up. Pun intended.

Your caring about culture multifamily maniac,