Multifamily #Trust 30: Using Multifamily

We are on day two of the #trust30 challenge and today’s prompt is;

If we live truly, we shall see truly. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Not everyone wants to travel the world, but most people can identify at least one place in the world they’d like to visit before they die. Where is that place for you, and what will you do to make sure you get there?

(Author: Chris Guillebeau)

Using Multifamily

I truly believe that organizations are created to serve the people that serve it. And, if done right those that are served then, in turn, serve those that participate with the organization in the way of human and fiscal transactions. Simply said, serve people and they will by default they will serve others. I use multifamily as a platform for education and the creation of wherewithal.

Education and Means

I also view my career 100% as an education that will end in my own endeavors. Today, it also provides means for the health and welfare of my family. I won’t work for someone for the rest of my life. I will serve in exchange for the education and a fair living, until that moment comes where it makes sense to move on. And, to speak to today’s prompt, using some of those means to get out into the world adds to character development.

International travel is something that I have always been intrigued by and not unlike using the the Multifamily business for an education, I see it as a way to add to and build character. And, the multifamily business is one way to fund it all.

To me, Ralph’s quote is more about who you become as a result of living out loud with no reservations as long as it is in the context of sticking true to internal values. Where would I go? Somewhere remote and unwired in any way.

Where would you go?

So with that, I sign off this Saturday morning to head for a run.

Your looking forward contributor,



0 Responses

  1. Wow!  That’s good stuff.  I would like to travel to Germany before I leave this world.  My grandfather moves to the United States in 1933 to be with my grandmother and I would like to research this part of my family.  I hear they have a lot of good food and of course, beer.  🙂

    1. Game on – Trust I will gently push and remind you of what you said here! Germany is now in the note section of my Lisa Z contact page!