Day 13 of the #Trust30 challenge
…Can you remember the moment when you stopped walking a path of someone else, and started cutting your own? (Author: Bridget Pilloud)
I am a bit off prompt again today but hopefully you can appreciate the spirit of it.
I can remember the day like it was yesterday. It was late 1998 and I lived in Silverdale, Washington. I worked for a national REIT at the time. I was privileged to work for a gentleman that I still consider one of the best in the business especially as it relates to the topic of leadership. He was a teacher first and a business person second. Working for him was an absolute education.
The moment of truth for me came in the way of an employee concern. This individual had an alpha dog Type Triple A personality. Bite first and forget

about asking questions later. I had given it everything I had up to that point and resigned to calling my RM in. What did he do? Nothing! He listened to my plea for him to assist in taking care of this guy and he simply kept asking me what I was going to do about it? To me, I was doing what I was going to about it; I wanted him to deal with it.
Up to that point in my career; two things existed for me, 1. I worked on amazing assets and 2. the people loved what they did. The path I followed up to that point was one of little to no resistance to getting things done. At this moment the only path that existed for me was vertical and gave cause for a major pain in my side. And, I no ability to displace it. G thanks, Mr. RM man.
Fast forward: I survived!! Mr. RM man forced me to stare my moment of truth right in the eye and do something about. I had to choose my own path and fortunately it worked out. I was able to forge a new beginning with Type Triple A and he actually thanked me for taking the time to care. Whoa! Not what I expected to hear.
From that day forward, I looked at every employee issue – like new.
Your looking at everyday and every circumstance like new contributor,
Photo props to cheesy42
0 Responses
I am probably speaking for other people, as well as myself, when I say “that’s one of the hardest things manager’s face”; counseling teammates. This is definitely one of my short-comings, but it is something I have to face several times a year. Thanks for sharing!
It’s funny – it is without doubt the toughest part of anyone’s job description and in the same respect it is without doubt the most rewarding when done well!