It’s day 15 of #trust30 and it’s Friday!
Abide in the simple and noble regions of thy life, obey thy heart. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Write down your top three dreams. Now write down what’s holding you back from them.
(Author: Michael Rad)

Top three dreams
1. See my three children prosper in health, family and their definition of a meaningful contribution to society
2. Reconcile relationships that I have marred along the way
3. Buy a home in a foreign country – in prep for retirement with my soul mate
What’s holding me back?
I feel blessed to report – not a thing…we are progressing well and taking actions to give ourselves the best shot!
On an aside, I want to give a quick thanks to those that have given me some kind words along the way in the #trust30 challenge. And, for those of you that have endured when the topic gets off the multifamily path, thank you as well.
Your continuing to love the #trust30 challenge contributor,
0 Responses
Mike, I look foward to your posts. I love your heart!!
Thank you for that kind comment! Made my week.
Hope your weekend is a great one.
Dream #1 – Own and operate a stray rescue mission. Take all the homeless animals off the mean streets of St. Louis.
Dream #2 – Travel to Germany.
Dream #3 – Raise my two children to be the best they can be and help them contribute to society.
Not much is holding me back except for time. I really need to put more time in to family first, other “dreams” second. 🙂