Day 23 of the #trust30 challenge
We are afraid of truth, afraid of fortune, afraid of death, and afraid of each other. Our age yields no great and perfect persons. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
You just discovered you have fifteen minutes to live.
1. Set a timer for fifteen minutes.
2. Write the story that has to be written.
(Author: Gwen Bell)
Let it be know first and foremost to my children; play nice, say please and thank you. Laugh out loud – often. Cry when you need to, it’s okay to do so. When you need to yell – go outside and face the wind. Yell loud, curse and let nothing be left inside. Handle the forward with staid character and with simple words. Be kind to animals. Take care of each other and never let hugs and kisses escape – they matter much. Work hard, work smart but above all be true to your word; it’s the one thing that matters most. Share. And, give of your time not expecting in return.
To that one which I loved the most – you are my best friend. You are tough where and when I need it. And, you are tender when I need it. You endure much and love nonetheless. Might life lend more time and have it been more gracious; I would echo the same sentiments to you. Dream always and be sure to act. Keep love in your heart and keep your soul free.
To my family and friends – live out out! Change the world in the way that you would have it. Have good relations. Face the wind and run head on for all that you will become. Remember it’s the journey, not the destination, that sharpens the wit and matures the soul.
Whoa – that :15 went by fast…
Your now thinking deeply contributor,