Day four in the #Trust30 challenge. Today’s prompt is a good one…
Our arts, our occupations, our marriages, our religion, we have not chosen, but society has chosen for us. We are parlour soldiers. We shun the rugged battle of fate, where strength is born. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
The only thing left is to, you know, actually go make it happen. What are you waiting for?
I know some crazy cool people who have ceeded to the calling in their hearts and as such have created compelling lives for themselves. Walking away from that which seems safe [Read: understanding that nothing is truly safe.] prompts a bit of fear. Especially in light of supporting a family and building a portfolio of multifamily investments. So many how, what, where and when questions come to mind. Toss in a dose of fear and I have recepie for stall. With that said, I’m up to putting it out there – if you don’t think it and speak it, it will never happen….
Multifamily Portfolio and Public Speaking
To speak to today’s prompt; “What is one thing that you’ve always wanted to accomplish but have been afraid to pursue?”
I have two:
1. Moving my multifamily investment portfolio to a place where it supports the dream of running a property managment company
2. Become an accomplished public speaker
What about you? What does today’s prompt stimulate in your heart and mind?
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I say kudos to you on knowing the answer to that question in the first place. I know so many people(including myself) who don’t know what dream their aspiring to reach, they’re still waiting to figure it out. And I don’t believe it’s due to fear, but honestly just not knowing. I admire those who have that dream to fear.
Thank you for taking the time.
What are you actively doing to try and discern that for yourself?
I would love to buy enough land to run a successful animal rescue operation. There are just so many things you have to do though, and I think that “fear” of those things (and truly a lack of time) prevents me from pursuing my dream.
I’ve also thought it would be super cool to have my own management company as well, but I really don’t know where to start. I know how to manage people and properties, but not sure how to go about starting a management company!
I think you and Jessica Herzog should get together and talk animals. She has a heart for it.
Thank you for adding to the conversation.
Stay cool – 103 today; I hear.