Multifamily #Trust30: Afraid to do

#Trust30 – Day 6

The other terror that scares us from self-trust is our consistency; a reverence for our past act or word, because the eyes of others have no other data for computing our orbit than our past acts, and we are loath to disappoint them. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

This reminds me of the saying; The thing you fear most is the thing you should do next. Or, do something everyday that scares the hell out of you.

Public Speaking

I love the multifamily business with a purple passion. It has been the avenue that has paved lots of good fortune for me over the years. And, any chance I get to talk about any aspect of it; I take it.

Last night, I was a guest speaker for a professor at Washington University in St. Louis. I spoke on the topic of marketing and leasing up a re-development project called The Laurel Apartments. It’s an amazing project with amazing potential to change the social landscape of the neighborhood. It has everything a marketer could ever hope for in the way of an assignment.

That said and to the point; public speaking scares the hell out of me. It’s a dream of mine to be an accomplished public speaker over time so I jump at every scary chance to present not in spite of that fear but rather in celebration of it.

What are you afraid to do?

0 Responses

  1. I just sat here thinking about your question and quite frankly, I can’t think of anything I’m afraid to do!  I really don’t have much “fear” and I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.  Hmmm. 

    Kudos to you for facing your fear of public speaking.  I can see where that would be nerve-racking for you and it’s cool you jumped on the opportunity to do it!  You go MB!!