Multifamily Leadership: Get Real

Multifamily Leadership
Mouth of Truth

Part three of a seven part leadership series.

I will never forget the day I walked into the corner office and disclosed to our owner that I approved spending a large sum of money on attorney fees for a commercial eviction case. Was I nervous? No

Insist on Realism

Worse than nervous is how I really felt. I was disappointed in myself but very comfortable communicating the situation. Why? Realism. The individual I work with and for had the following words for me, “Mike, consider this an expensive education. Now, we don’t want to have to many of these but it’s not the end of the world.” I can’t say I would have been as staid in my response had I been in his shoes. It did, however reinforce the value in being real.

I think it fair to say that a good number of people, in or out of the multifamily space, work hard to shade or avoid reality all together. Why? Short answer – Fear. Fear of confrontation. Fear of looking stupid in the eyes of others – especially those in superior roles. Fear of being labeled.

How to Make Realism Real

It starts with Brand YOU! You have to be realistic with yourself!

No matter your role in the organization, you have to insist that realism is central to every conversation.

If you are the leader,  get out and ask people at all levels what your property management organization is doing right and what it is doing wrong.


Take notes.

And, take that feedback and make meaningful changes.

Your working to stay real contributor,