At least they are in the recycle bin…

To preface: no real value to this post, its just one of those fun Friday kind of things.

Shout out to Mills own Melissa Preusser, Marketing Director & Communication Strategist for the pic and the title to this blog post. Seems like such a waste in a world that is/has quickly moved digital. In all fairness, while relocating our business offices over the last three weeks, we purged what seemed like years and years of material.

I will say this; moving forces you to skinny down and what a great feeling it is.

Take away: Stop what you are doing right now and take something to the recycle bin. Something that you have not touched and really have no intention of touching. Get it out of your life then come back and comment on it below.

Have a lighter week!

0 Responses

  1. I think I need to recycle most of the contents in my own house. The amount of “stuff” we collect over the years is just crazy!

  2. You have inspired me! When I get home, I am going to take the boxes of high school books and study notes that have been sitting in boxes for 9 years that I keep telling myself I may one day read again or may somehow be useful in the future and throw them out! I haven’t touched them for 9 years, it’s crazy what we let our minds believe!

    1. It is truly crazy what our minds believe! I just need to get over that fear or hesitation and get rid of stuff! 🙂