Apartment Marketing: Engagement

I am sure to take a digital beating for running down the road of engagement but in the words of a big haired 80’s band; “here I go again on my own.”

The term is abused in marketing circles, from the “How To” to the “What For’s”, it seems to be the word of the day and yet I think we miss the true essence. In most cases we mistake participation for engagement. Engagement just sounds better; It just rolls off the tongue more fluently than the word participation. I think that is about to change as it seems more and more people are catching on to the deeper meanings of the word.

One of my Facebook friends forwarded an article to me today that speaks to the difference; at least in my head. I pulled the following quote out of the text as it speaks right to the point;

Listening up means spending time actually talking to your customers, about not just their “wants” and “needs” but about their hopes and fears, their opportunities and threats, their greatest achievements and biggest regrets. It’s not just about sating immediate desire with lowest-common-denominators, outsourced from the lowest bidder — it’s about learning to help people achieve long-term fulfillment, in inimitable, enduring, resonant ways that rivals can’t.

Develop Character – The Rest Happens by Default

I think the excerpt implies a deeper meaning to the word. It goes beyond “wants” and “needs” as to strum the cords of our souls. Hopes, fears, dreams and achievements; big words with big meaning. As it is with the word engagement.

Now I am not suggesting that engagement does not have a place in marketing. In fact, I would go so far as to suggest that when we develop the context that sets engagement free; then we will have hit the mother load. We will have unleashed the deeper meaning and application of the word. Okay, a little quixotic but nonetheless, we will have tapped something very special.

How do you do it? The Harvard types call it “Listening up,” Gary V calls it “Care,” and I call it “Loving People.” Loving them where they are and in an effort to bring greatness out of them. Easy? No. Worth it? yes.

Take away: Get deep into the study of people. Know what keeps them up at night and what keeps their dreams aflight and go about bringing that out of them. Do it by listening up, caring and loving them where they are and expecting more for them than they are capable of expecting for themselves. They will appreciate you for it; I know I appreciate those people in my life.

Have a compelling weekend! M

0 Responses

  1. Your take away is simply fantastic. Whatever words we use to describe our method it just comes down to people people people. Every person is different and so every interaction is absolutely as unique as our own DNA. When that is a fundamental life principle you are right that people will see it and appreciate it. Thanks for the post Mike.

    1. You hit the nail on the head Jonathan! Every person is absolutely different and that’s what makes the world go around! Listening is one of the best “tools” we use in our industry and I try to instill that in everyone I train. The more you listen, the more you will learn about each individual that walks in your door and the more meaningful your new relationship will be.

      1. Thanks Lisa- My dad often told me-“Son you have two ears and one mouth so that means you should be doing twice the listening and half the talking” I use that in business and of course on my own children now. 🙂

  2. You are on point stating that we need to “get deep into the study of people”…….I’m a big believer that it is necessary to have a large portion of sociology in all aspects of marketing and outreach. The system is often flawed showcasing the model of “talk, wait, talk again” when it really needs to be “talk, listen, adjust, talk again”. Well done.

    1. S

      Thank you for taking the time to pen a thought or two! It’s so very true and yet such hard work that organizations are just not willing to take the step.

      Far too many see it as that soft “L” word stuff that does not fit the organizations culture.

      Look forward to watching your approaches play out! Crazy cool stuff.

      Have a compelling week.
