Apartment Business Observation

Earlier tonight I was talking to 30 lines’ Mike Whaling about apartment websites, social media and business. Its been a very long bit of time since I really had any sort of meaningful conversation with Mike which is kind of sad. In the same respect I think it’s an absolute function of the state of business today. To me, it’s a sign that times are getting better.

At one point in the conversation, Mike asked me the the proverbial, “So what’s going on with you?” I took it in the context of business and replied, “I think that this is an absolutely exciting time to be alive! And, I think things just feel like they are getting better.” I really believe that. Not to suggest the the whole world is peaches and cream but the bulk of what I touch on a day to day basis is good. Mills Apartments has absorbed North of 2000+/- units additional units into the family in the trailing eighteen months and the pipeline for more is there. We are on the cusp of unveiling a new website, our social media platform is on a firm setting, our community team [marketing director, coordinators, mascot, bloggers, etc.] are planting the seeds for conversation and operations are seeing concession reduction and in some cases rent gains. To borrow a quote from our company President, Kirk Mills, “things are good.”

Skip back to Mike Whaling, it seems his appointment book and book of business are filling up. We feel the same way about our business at Mills.

So there is my apartment business observation.

And, I wonder – what is your sense of the business today? Is the phone starting to ring more? Are you booking more appointments? Are companies starting to reach out in a more meaningful way?

0 Responses

  1. To your questions at the end my answer would be a definite yes. There was a slight lull after the holidays but we are full steam ahead now and are very happy. The economy is what it is but when you are focused on what you can do to make a difference each day not only for your clients but for your team it keeps that energy positive and productive. Great thoughts for the day Mike.

    1. J

      Thank you for taking the time comment. I think your point regarding focused attention on the day to day differences is dead on. And, it’s through those day to day wins that we advance toward a better future.

      Curious – what are some of the things you do for/with your employee base to keep them positive and productive?


      1. Good question Mike. Since our overall focus is so committed to making our clients happy, that serves as a major catalyst for the overall atmosphere in the office. The conversation is typically about who we helped and how we made someone happy. As a team we have a focus board with all of our positive words and thoughts that we feel make our company work and ones we strive to improve on. For me personally I am a big fan of commendation so whenever I meet with the team I am quick to show my appreciation for whatever project they are involved in and tell them how it made the company better.

  2. Yes, business is definitely seeing a positive trend. With more and more communication through social channels creating new formats for conversation, referrals and idea sharing are up. My last few incoming leads came from Facebook and referrals. When company growth is evident in times of concern, people gravitate to do business with strong growing companies. It is nice that the economy didn’t stunt the R&D and team expansion that we have seen over the last several months at MyNewPlace. New Client Solutions are being rolled out on time with great enthusiasm to audiences wanting to learn more. Grab your shades, the future looks bright.

    1. K

      Great to see you here and thank you for taking the time to add to the conversation. The future does look bright and to speak to your point about the advancing social nature of business; I think that the fact of mass collaboration happening cross cube/office/social platforms is going to yield some crazy amazing things over the next three to five years give or take. We have only seen the tip of the iceberg.

      Have a smart busy day!


  3. Definitely yes! I was a little nervous in January, as we didn’t have near the amount of phone calls and traffic as the years past; but February is kicking butt!! Our team is extremely motivated and we’ve nailed 51 leases during the month of February! I have challenged my entire team to come up with a marketing plan that doesn’t involve flyer dumping…I want one that works and one that can help change the demographics at my community. Once we figure that out, the traffic should continue to roll in the door throughout the rest of the year. 🙂

  4. Always good to talk with you, too, Mike. You’re absolutely right … things *are* good. It’s a great time for smart business, and I’m glad to be part of the Mills team. I’m looking forward to creating something even better with you and your team.

  5. 100% yes. The work in the MFH industry is taking off, a paradigm shift in marketing/advertising is happening and those on the bandwagon will see the acquisition of more apartment communities, more clients and more revenue for their companies as their other customers (i.e. current and prospective residents) benefit from them staying at the forefront of technology. Very good space to be. Glad to know that we are the change leaders helping to shape it.