Property Management Company: Cause

It seems to me that Property Management Companies are in essence Professional Service Firms. The chief objectives are to maximize the physical and fiscal performance of a real estate asset for institutional and or private owners. But are they really called to be and do more?

Property Management Company: Cause

I received an email not long ago asking a question along the lines of finding a cause for a firm – in an email exchange I penned the following:

I see a cause as being something bigger than self or team. To me – it’s audacious in nature. And, it has nothing to do with selling more stuff but everything to do with building individual and organizational character as a way of changing the world. I don’t use – changing the world – in jest. It is the only premise with which to build an organization. In my head organizations are built to serve the people that serve it – period. That is first and foremost. If built right all else will fall into place. An organization that focuses on building character will see that character exercised in the way of success on every level with every metric.

I think Emerson said it best when he penned the following:

“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children…to leave the world a better place…to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”

Capture that in the way of a cause that lays over your companies mission, vision, strategy and goals that help to execute as much and you have something people can believe in. You will have found something that people can get out of bed in the morning for – you can change the lives of hundreds if not thousands and as a default – you will create wealth beyond your imagination and more important – the imaginations of those that are served by the organization. They will have lived what Emerson had in mind – all because you made a decision to offer up a worthy cause.

Do you have a cause? What is it? Why do you think it is important?

0 Responses

  1. Ah, the great question of “cause”. How, as asset managers and property management executives, can we change the lives of others? It certainly is NOT by just collecting checks and unplugging toilets…it has to be more than that. If we realize that life is more than just who we are and what we are up to, then we can extend that realization into the goals of our management firms. A quick example of “the bigger picture” is attaching apartment communities to a local charity and getting the residents involved with helping out. My company has had great success with running different types of canned food and gift drives that benefit the Union Rescue Mission here in Los Angeles. Its a small gesture – but just think: if every apartment community in every city did this, perhaps we could change something big. Perhaps we make a lasting difference.

    1. Trevor

      Thank you so much for sharing this and my apologies for the delay in responding.

      You bring up a great point in the way of getting communities across the country to participate in a massive event.

      Many years ago I lived in Lubbock, Texas and participated in a can food event with the Lubbock Apartment Association. I recall that a member of the association help secure a couple semi-tractor trailers that we went about filling up with canned goods.

      One of the ways we collected canned goods was a door to door campaign. The LAA sponsored a day long event where members met at a central location for a rah-rah rally before they went to respective communities to knock on doors to collect cans. It was held on a Saturday as to maximize collection opportunities. It was a roaring success.

      Nothing to suggest something like this could not go national..

      Thank you again for sharing you experience – I find it admirable

      Have a smashing weekend –


  2. You have a nice blog set up here, and a very unique niche, as far as I've seen. Sadly, this blog doesn't really have anything to do with me, haha. 😀 Keep it up! How have your sales been?

    You can check out my blogs, one on my twitter account – the other ; kinda quitting it