Apartment Marketing: How to Use Facebook Like Pages to Lease Apartments

I love emails like the one below -but before we go there:

Over the past few weeks we have started to quietly roll out some of our Facebook Like Pages as we gear up for the Get Social with Mills Initiative . One of the issues we’ve run into with this slow roll out is anxious PMs and MSs like Teresa and Mike at Park Clayton Apartments. They were ready to run – so, we let them go and in just over two weeks they took the like numbers from 7 to North of 225.

How to grow Your Apartment Facebook Like Page numbers

How did they do it? To make a long story short Mike brought an orphaned stuffed yellow duck to the leasing office for Teresa to see and each time they tried to put the duck away – residents asked to have it back as a mascot. With that T and M – [I often use the first letter of peoples names – with that T is for Teresa and M is for Mike] decided to have a – Name the Duck – contest . In conjunction with that contest they decided to give away a few fun prizes for the resident who yielded the biggest number of Likes to our page in a weeks time.

The Apartment Like Page Results

T and M put on North of 200 Likes inside of two weeks time. Not only that – they yielded something much more important in my opinion – check out the page and I think you will quickly discern what I mean. That point brings me to the email below –

How to use Facebook Like Pages to Rent Apartments

I will let the email speak for itself –

Have a compelling weekend – M

—–Original Message—–
From: Park Clayton <parkclayton@millsproperties.net>
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 12:55 PM
To: ‘Mike Brewer’ <MBrewer@millsproperties.net>; ‘Tracy Seubert’ <TSeubert@millsproperties.net>
Subject: Great news!

Hey guys,

I have some awesome news about our facebook fans. One of my residents came down to tell me that his friends in Taiwan are watching us on facebook and they think it’s great that we do resident events and have contests. He says they told him they want to move here when they get to town just because of what they see online!

Also, he brought down his laptop and we spoke with a couple of his friends in Taiwan who want to move here in August. The program they use to chat/talk internationally is called, “skype.”

Teresa Richardson

Property Manager

Park Clayton Apartments

photo credit: blog.hubspot.com

0 Responses

  1. This is great stuff!! T & M are really using this network to communicate with the public, current residents, ect…..Great networking–Great Results! Residents at Park Clayton are loving this!

    1. T

      Great to see you here [disclosure: Tracy Seubert is the crazy cool RM that works with Teresa and Mike on a day in day out basis: she rules].

      This really speaks to one of the fundamentals of new media – communicate with your consumer in the way they like to be communicated with. FB surely is not the end all be all for marketing efforts but I think the number of participants speaks for itself.

      All that being said, Tracy – thank you for being open minded enough to let it roll – and, enjoy the rest of this way to hot SUNday – see you tomorrow.


    1. Mark

      I love it – “playground” is a more than appropriate word. I really think that people are moved by fun – it's why people will always flock to Las Vegas over say – Dubai.

      Have a great week!

  2. This is great to see such rapid results from this project. There is great potential and being creative in how SM is leveraged is important in keeping people engaged. How often do they monitor their page? Did you give them the ability to manage the page or is it handled at the corporate level?

    1. Frederic

      Thank you for stopping by –

      Teresa and Mike have full control over the site via the admin function in FB and they check in daily if not multiple times daily. That is to suggest that we don't have hard and fast rules designed around for FB outside of make sure you are present, stimulating and participating.

      Hope your week is smashing –

  3. Mike, regardless of the numbers, this property's page already has more interaction than some pages with ten times as many subscribers. Without knowing much else about the property, I'm guessing it's a testament to the real-life relationships developed by your staff. Keep up the great work, and keep us posted as you ramp up.

    1. Mike

      You are 100% right and Tracy can attest to this – the property is not over the top special in any way. Outside of the dated fitness center, there are zero amenities.

      This story is completely about on-site off-line relationship building that played itself out on a social platform –

      We are excited to see what Teresa and Mike cook up next.

      Thanks for taking the time to stop by to add to the discussion. Hope your week is a compelling one.

    1. tel aviv apartment rentals

      Thanks for stopping by. Would love to share ideas and best practices if you have the time or are of interest. Hope your day is a compelling one.

      What is your name, if you don’t mind me asking?


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