Apartment Marketing: Share the Moment

Have you every kicked yourself for not writing something down because you wanted to remember it later? How many times have you been in the middle of something else and thought of the greatest thing since sliced bread and then failed to document the moment? Or, you keep 43 tabs open on your browser because your crazy cool Twitter friends keep sharing crazy cool blog post links and FREEZE – I hate this one with a purple passion.

Facebook as a way to capture apartment memories

One way I like to think about Facebook as it relates to Apartment Marketing is as a way to capture memories – be it your residents, yours or otherwise. Think of it as the time-capsule that never gets buried only to be of use later. The memories are there and always accessible by anybody and everybody.

Think of those memories as powerful little marketing messages that never rest. It’s that whole theory of your most influential evangelists selling your apartments on your behalf. Dare I say, it’s the most powerful form of an ILS out there today. And, you want to capture as many relevant, thoughtful and meaningful messages as you can.

Give your residents a crazy cool and awesome place to capture their apartment living memories and experiences – you will love them for it. It’s not just about creating memorable moments anymore – it’s also about capturing those memorable moments in a manner that is useful for all involved.

Where are you capturing memories?

0 Responses

    1. Mark J – thank you for sharing the site. I really like the look and the feel – it screams -friends and great experience!!!! Nice work!

      Hope your weekend is a good one –