Apartment Marketing Invasion

When does just doing a superior job at the fundamentals yield you enough WOM to stop the madness?

When does creating an apartment living experience predicated on those superior fundamentals give people a reason to cherish and rave about your community?

I caught this over on gracehill today –

This decal lasts for two years – you can get the details from the GraceHill chat log dated June 30, 2010. You apparently paste various versions of the amenity marketing madness on your sidewalks throughout the community. The thought – as I understood it on GraceHill – is to give color and vibrancy to older unrehabbed communities. It just seems crazy invasive to me.

I just can’t bring myself to link to it here as I see this as over the top interruption marketing. I’m curious how this adds value or enhances the apartment living experience? Maybe it works – and I will cede to the fact that that is what matters.

In the spirit of – maybe I am missing the point – I put the question to our readers?

Do you see value in this? Do you see it as an interruption? Tacky? Cute? Ugly? Don’t care?

0 Responses

  1. I'm not a huge fan. If it was on the door step to the office maybe. I would not want to see different messages all over the sidewalks around the community.Just a bit tacky.

    How about the dog waste disposal posts or containers around. Creates the same message, less invasive and actually shows that you care by offering a service for pet owners.

    1. Ryan

      Thank you for taking the time to pen a thought. The decals brought to mind that old Tesla song, “signs”.

      Now, I am under no illusion that pushing your message is a lost art form – I do think, however, in an attention economy – taking the time to wrap your message around solid community and neighborhood experiences that add value to the lives of others is much more full of impact.

      Have a stellar 4th –

      1. I agree with Brian and Ryan. Maybe during lease-up or on the door step to the office. Definitely not throughout a community; very tacky!

        1. Hey Lisa –

          Thank you for taking the time to stop by – I would love to see you around more often as you have some killer ideas – feel free to share as you see fit.

          Have a great 4th of July!

  2. My first thought of the decal is that it doesn't produce a thought at all. Indifference is my vote here. Perhaps it's because here in LA, every single piece of negative space has an advertisement, tag, sticker or painting…and we have just simply gone numb to it out here.

    1. My friend from the west- thank you for chiming in. I can appreciate the comment having been out there a time or two. It just all looks the same after a time. Makes me think the one business that has no promotion whatsoever beyond providing an excellent experience – wins the day.

  3. I think it would work in some environments, but it does seem pretty invasive. Maybe during construction for a lease up or as directionals from underground parking to a leasing office.

    1. Brian

      Thank you for the comment – I do agree that this makes sense at time of lease up or as great directional. I just can't wrap my head around dotting a community with them.

      Hope your week has been a good one –