Apartment Marketing – Love is what Engagement is aiming for –

A recent email from a uber-satisfied resident to be –

Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 6:34 PM
To: leasing2@millsproperties.net
Subject: attn:

J , thanks for showing me the place today.

[Resident] and I are set on living there. It is exactly what we want, and more. We’re looking at June 11th to be the day we move her and all her stuff to St. Louis. But having a week beforehand to get the place ready for her would be great. We’re really serious, and I’d hate to have to tell her we have to start all over from square one again. She said it countless times, that this is the place for us, that we both want to live there, and shes fallen in love with it the first time she saw it. It’s perfect. I’m sold and she is as well. Just hope everything else falls into place. I really hope we can get things movin’. Thanks again J , and call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx whenever you hear the great news. Thank you.

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