Resident Pet Peeves

Pet Peeve ParkingIn a recent email interview I was asked the following question;

What are the top pet peeves landlords have of their tenants?

Shift in Thinking

In addition to being taken aback by the words landlord and tenant, my knee jerk response was a laundry list of have not and will do. Then I starting thinking in the context of new media and my whole person changed.  It instantly shifted from a position of attack to one of concern. I questioned that if I posted my response in the form of an adverse laundry list and a resident read it, would they retort in an adverse manner? And, would they be right in doing so? The answer is very possibly yes, the real question is to what extent?

Now I am stuck and curious how the community might answer the questions – would love to hear your thoughts…

0 Responses

  1. Mike, I think I would rephrase the question. Instead of answering with a list of 'pet peeves', I might suggest something along the lines of 'managing a building or community is communal or joint effort. It's important to keep lines of communication open and, to that end, I wish residents . . . '(fill in the blank)

    Just a thought. . .

    1. GreenLandlady –

      Thank you for taking the time to give some feedback.

      I really like the word communal – anymore it is a combined effort resident and owner alike.

      Thank you for the suggestion –

  2. Mike, I work for an independent owner so I hear the words tenant and resident too often. As an onsite manager, I agree with GreenLandlady in continually working on building a “community” with our residents. I have found that most of the time our residents want the same as the owner (LandLord) it just needs to be sold by those of us who work in this industry onsite.

    1. Rene

      Thank you for taking the time to add to the discussion –

      You make a great point about residents wanting the same thing as ownership – what do you think we can do to bridge that gap. What do you think we can do to turn those peeves into catalyst for creating a loyal base that sings our praises from the rooftops?

      It was an interesting question and the feedback helps in answering it.

      Have a great weekend.