Apartment Marketers – The Thing You Fear Most is the Thing You Should do Next

Fear will no doubt govern the landscape in 2010 as it relates to moving forward with your social media initiatives or lack thereof. Take comfort in the idea that – you are not on an island by yourself. Take comfort in the idea that fear has a place in the conversation. But, so does courage. The cool thing about taking action in 2010 is that many have blazed a trail – it may not be the exact trail that you or I would blaze and in the same respect it’s a good starting point.

New ideas on how to market apartments

Before you lick your chops – ready to digest the latest and greatest ideas – stop and ponder this:

“I can’t understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I’m frightened of old ones.” – John Cage

New ideas are really endless and ever evolving – take a gander Brent Williams masterful creation Multifamily Insiders if you need to get the creative juices flowing. He has amassed a  countless number of amazing multifamily professionals sharing openly on every subject you can imagine. And, as it relates to fear and courage, they have no doubt shared your concerns and provided a lighthouse to guide you by. If noting else take the time this year to join in the discussion and share your concerns – you owe it to yourself and your organizations.

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0 Responses

  1. Great post Mike!

    It is important that people understand they are not alone and “that fear has a place in the conversation.” It's okay to be unsure, and to make mistakes. However, it's not okay to sit back and do nothing.

    1. C – Good and cold morning to you – it's freezing here in Saint Louis –

      So true – I think it fair to say that people will still rent apartments from companies that choose not to participate in new media. The question will be – could they have rented more, for more and more efficiently. That is not to mention the retention piece.

      So – fail fast is past – it's fail now take a bow, get up dust off and jump right back in. The cool thing is that the road map of content is out there. A few hours on MFI and a person could walk away with a fully fashioned plan to enter the space with a little more confidence.

      I am excited to see what comes of 2010 in this space.

      Stay warm.