What Matters Now in Apartment Marketing


As it relates to apartment marketing – generosity and being the difference that makes a difference is not status-quo. Being the difference takes a lot of effort and hard work and more times than not for little to no pay. The wage of a true hero in our space is paid in winning the respect of people across the gamut. It’s paid in knowing and understanding that the world is a better place for having shared all they know. More specifically, it is the free giving of time and resource that makes the real difference. It’s generosity…

How I Learned About Generosity

A quick story of reference – when I entered the apartment world some fifteen years ago I had the fortune of meeting one of these rare people. She took me along for a ride in her car one day and rifling through her purse looking for a compact she displaced six or seven thousand dollars worth of checks made out to her. Commissions for rentals and sales she had transacted over the past month. Her non-chalant response and the answer to my follow up question is what sticks with me to this day. “Oh – I really need to get those in the bank” – I asked – “Where do you bank?” She pointed – Our office happened to be right next door to her bank. I thought – unreal.  Her follow up was – for me at the time – alarming. I don’t do this for the money – “I do it for the gratification I see in other people when they go through the experience of moving into their new home.” I thought [inside voice] – that’s crazy lady – I do it for the greenbacks.

It was only upon her losing a battle with cancer a few years later that the deeper meaning of generosity was cemented with me. I attended her funeral and witnessed what seemed like thousands of people paying their respects for her having given of her time and resource. Well before the mass appeal of the Internet and the advent of social platforms she had literally built a community of constituents. I have no doubt she achieved it in large part through her generosities.  In my passing her casket – my time with her in the car ride came cascading back and in that moment – I caught the essence of generosity. She really didn’t do it for the money…

Now many years later I confess I am still chasing the application of what I consider a supreme human quality – in a me me me world, giving of time and resource takes a back seat far to often and I am as guilty as the next guy.

As it Relates to Family and Apartment Marketing

Might I suggest in 2010  that we get back to the art of giving and start with family and friends. And, as it relates to apartment marketing – give to your influencers and your non influencers alike. Give of time and resource in your community without the expectation of return. Figure out which charities that the top five businesses around you give to and partner with them to give of your time and resource. Do it regularly. Write about it on your blog. Get your influencers to influence their influencers and so on and so forth. The old axiom of the more you give the more you will get is really true and it applies equally to generosity. Be the difference that makes a difference in 2010.  Be generous.

Inspired by: What Matters Now

0 Responses

  1. Mike,
    Not sure where you are coming from with this post. Perhaps it feels good to say we are generous, and I am not saying folks shouldn't be generous, but bottom line is we need to Rent More Apartments.

    How are you planning on providing more generosity in your 2010 marketing campaign, and what does that mean, are you giving stuff away?

  2. E,

    Good morning.

    If you allowed the use of your vacant apartments to homeless people – that would be generous. In the vein of thinking I would expect that you would expect nothing in return. There is a deeper point to that if you stop to think about it for awhile…


  3. E,

    Good morning.

    If you allowed the use of your vacant apartments to homeless people – that would be generous. In the vein of thinking I would expect that you would expect nothing in return. There is a deeper point to that if you stop to think about it for awhile…


  4. I like this and I like the idea of a home for the homeless during the holidays with empty units. It can be a temporary thing, ya' know? Like from Christmas eve 'till New Years day with a tree and food in the fridge. I wish I had the ability to make a difference like that in the lives of a homeless family.

  5. C,

    I concur. And I think the deeper implication here is that you will undoubtedly [while 100% not the goal and I write this with a large degree of hesitation] give spark to conversations that include your brand's generosity which could lead to….

    I leave that point as a TBD.

    Have a great weekend – C.