Apartment comes with FREE Music or Movie Download

downloadsI feel compelled to preface this post by saying that the bulk of stuff I share here has never been implemented. A lot of it is knock off material from other industries that I think could be shaped or formed in some fashion to apply to what we do. Some would argue that good content should be based on the premise of real ideas that have been tested in the market place as to have merit – I am not one of those people. I think if you are immersed in an industry there is a certain level of license given regarding your thoughts and ideas. All that to say this – enjoy the posts for what they are.


T-shirt comes with free music downloads – Springwise

….but bundling with downloads adds an extra incentive for consumers to buy, and at a considerably higher price. Indeed, the OFF=ON connection is giving companies in industries far and wide new ways to connect with customers—not to mention new revenue streams. How about your brand…?

Free Downloads When you Tour and or Lease Today

Could you team up with iTunes to provide a discounted and or FREE download to your prospects and or residents?  Could it be a way to encourage repeat visits to your on or off-line communities? Think Starbucks – they give away a FREE download of the week. Not sure it’s the number one compelling reason that most people go to Starbucks – it might be for some. If nothing else it provides a sub-conscious emotional connection.

Emotional Connection

Music and movies move our emotions. There is not one movie or song on the planet that avoids striking emotion in the hearts and souls of people. I am sitting in Starbucks right now and there is a jazz or blues piece playing – not a real fan of either – and it strikes me as smokey and tired. Makes me want sip a brandy and sleep. And, that horn is killing my head. The point is we associate music with time and place and at each one of our communities we have time and space. Would it not make sense to use FREE movies and music to cement an emotional attachment to our apartment experience?

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