
Leadership is all about love: Passion, Enthusiasms, Appetite for Life,
Engagement, Commitment, Great Causes & Determination to Make a Damn
Difference, Shared Adventures, Bizarre Failures, Growth, Insatiable
Appetite for Change. –Tom Peters

I am re-introducing myself to Tom Peter’s via Thriving on Chaos, The Pursuit of WOW and In Search of Excellence. TP was on to this social media movement back in the eighties. Not that he was predicting the FB’s and MySpaces of the world but rather the principles that govern each of those mediums.

I often get the question – How many of the companies that TP wrote about are still around? Respectfully – I think that question misses the point of TP’s writings. Maybe that number is 25%, maybe 50%, maybe more or maybe less – the point is in the principles. The principles are enduring and companies that execute the principles well are enduring.

Tom is not for everyone as his style of writing is radical and sometimes over the top. I would, however, encourage everyone to pick up a piece of work by Tom – every one of them are applicable.

Have an amazing day and for those in the Midwest – try to stay warm.


0 Responses

  1. Hi Mike,

    Great thoughts. In the referring to how many companies that TP wrote about are still around, I agree it is important to think about the guiding principles and not the end results. Though not exactly comparable, I recently enjoyed this article about how to judge decisions, not on the success/results of the decision, but how the decision was made. http://venturehacks.com/articles/decision-making


  2. E,

    Thanks for the comment and the link to the decision article. It is becoming clear to me that all to often we instinctively jump to conclusions based on outcomes without giving merit to processes. Their principles – good or bad, right or wrong – that govern our actions. And, they deserve our observation.

    Thank you again for taking the time.


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