Equity picks Portland, Oregon portfolio to go green

If I were a smarty pants, I would say something along the lines of; going green is so 2008 or 07′ or 06’…where have you been Equity?

Nevertheless, I am proud to see EQR embrace the green movement. They certainly have a large enough footprint to make a real impact. I am also very proud of the fact that Portland, Oregon was selected as the place to begin implementation. As many of you know I was the Regional Manager for the Portland market for a number of years so this is especially cool for me to watch.  Incidentally, I caught the story on the Portland Rocks Newsletter blog we put together back in 2006.

Call to action:

I thought we could demonstrate the power of community and help them out with a few ideas. If you have a free minute today drop a comment below and I will pass them along to the fine folks in Portland. I know they would appreciate the feedback.

Have a compelling day.

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0 Responses

  1. It’s about time! It’s a shame they didn’t start in Denver – or do it across the nation… but I understand you need a test market, and everything starts somewhere.

    All the ideas I would suggest, I’m sure they have in place already. Undoubtedly they have a good team together… but in the spirit of contributing thoughts:

    Composting, recycling for the residents, maintenance and office, energy efficient light bulbs, geothermal heating and xeriscaping, recycled and environmentally friendly products (from the paint fildown to the carpet), rooftop gardens, filtered water and air, air quality checks (and more regular changes of filters), reduced flow shower heads, well sealed/double pane windows (or better yet, double low e-glass), modifying water sprinkler timing, daylight dimming systems, Energy Star appliances, wind powered energy, extensive use of local materials, programmable thermostats, pet friendly communities using biodegradable pet poo bags, rainwater harvesting,etc. Also Equity should look into building relationships and signing contracts/business agreements with environmentally conscious contractors. Additionally it’s important to educate the residents on options (rideshare programs, reducing food waste, reducing energy bills, etc.)

    Anyhow… it’s great to see Equity taking this step in the right direction. Better late than never!


  2. J,

    As always, I appreciate your mindful comments. It’s good to see your name pop up as it has been awhile.
    I hope all is well for you and that 2009 is bringing some amazing things your way. Also, I hope to see pop up here a little more often as you insights and observations serve a real value for the community.

    Have a compelling Sunday.
