As we adopt what will likely be the next wave of customer-centric tools, time and attention must be paid to what we do after hours.
There is a lot to be said about the leasing experience and enhancing it as a point of differentiation. Moreover using it as a strategy to create new and untapped markets. Video chat will certainly do it and if done really well it will move the consumer experience to the next level. Outside of a face to face interaction, it is likely the next best thing. The advent of the internet made apartment shopping a 24/7 experience and video chat will certainly enhance that but what do we do after hours? Even the most dedicated full time apartment maniac must sleep. Who takes over at that point?
I think this is a real opportunity for call centers that cater to the apartment industry. That is not to mention the major ILS’s. I have to believe someone out there is working on an offering. Are you aware of one? If so, please share.
Have an amazing Christmas week. M