Multifamily Revenue Management

Interesting site I ran across this evening,

I will say having worked for Equity Residential for nearly ten years and having experienced the roll out of a revenue management system, it does work. Big time! I did, however, have the unique experience of building my very own revenue management system that outperformed the big ticket model. That was short lived and not well publicized by our pricing analyst. That aside, the site above offers some good video sound bites along with some other good content. Check it out if you have a few extra minutes.

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0 Responses

  1. Thank you Mike. If I may offer a small correction for anyone who’s interested, the URL is

    We’re hoping to see more marketing professionals look at revenue management as a way to boost their careers, and enhance their own viability. Marketing and revenue management are key elements in the customer acquisition “funnel”. Marketing is becoming more statistically oriented, and revenue management is already there.

    There’s a reason the marketing and revenue management departments at hotels and casinos are one big group – the data is most valuable when shared. We hope to see more people defining their jobs more broadly and taking ownership of the direction things are going in.

    Thanks again for the shout-out.

    Steve Lefkovits