Be careful what you shout from the rooftop…

Caught this on Twitter this afternoon;

Public Citizen and the ACLU defends users - posted by none other than @aptratings took the time to highlight the above story that is currently being played out in a California court. Now I would not argue the merit of the case and or the premise with which the Public Citizen and ACLU is defending it.

My comment and the reason for this post is this;I think aptratings leadership taking the time to bring attention to this story discloses their innate discomfort with the very system they built and endorse. I mean why would you feel the need to shout; look, the big bad Public Citizen and ACLU are defending us, so put that in your pipe and smoke it." It may not be their exact words but it is the message they sent today. – Just one guys opinion.

0 Responses

  1. I find it interesting that @aptratings basically ignored the ensuing conversation that resulted from their post.

    Not one person participating in the Twitter discussion disagrees with the decision or free speech in general, yet the general takeaway is that there’s a lot more that can be done to foster genuine conversation between property managers and their residents.

    The old model is breaking from both sides: Property managers need to be willing to listen and engage their residents (and act on the feedback accordingly), and residents want to feel like their voice is being heard and making a difference. Sure … anonymous complaints are perfectly legal, but they don’t do much, if anything, to move the property/resident relationship forward.

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