
Strikes me as funny that a site touting authenticity and transparency moderates the comment section on it’s blog. Seems to be it would be open and receptive of any and all feedback. What are we afraid of? Why is it okay for a resident to express freely and openly while owners and operators have to pay to participate. Why would commenting on a blog require review before showing up. Seems counter the culture of participation.

All that said, I like apartmentratings.com’s platform and in the same respect the execution is flawed. Just one’s opinion.

0 Responses

  1. Hi Mike, I’m the GM of ApartmentRatings.com and I can address this. We monitor blog comments strictly for link spam. Our blog, owing to the fact it went live in 2005, is on a very old platform and we get hundreds of spam comments each week for pharmaceuticals and worse. To keep the comments clear of link spam, we have to manually cull everything before allowing the regular comments to go live. Thankfully, we do not have this problem on our main site’s reviews engine, which is why automatic posting works there.

    As you can imagine, this is an annoying (and expensive) problem and we’re currently in the midst of moving the blog to a platform which has an automated spam filter like Askimet which will hopefully allow us to turn on automatic posting.
