Apartment Leaders: Q vs. Q

Q stands for Quantity and it also stands for Quality, which is more important? Tom Peter’s suggests the following;

“You will be remembered in the long haul for the quality of your work, not the quantity of your work … no one evaluates Picasso based on the number of paintings he churned out.”

The quote made me think long and hard about a lot of things but most specifically the space we work in. I have noticed over the years an ever growing number of demands being placed on site teams and yet the number of hours in each day does not change. We ask, we direct, we expect many times without thinking about who suffers at the end of the day? Is it the quality work or more importantly the quality of the experience our consumer has with us. Is either acceptable? Or, are we in an age where quantity trumps quality?

I wonder what the group thinks. 

Do you see an ever growing number of demands being handed to your site teams? Do you see quality suffering as a result? Does it matter?

Let me know your thoughts and have a compelling day!

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0 Responses

  1. Mike, Great Post
    As once an apartment executive, then start up property management company, and now the property manager for our little boutique company, I think many of the things we have the site teams do simply cannot be accomplished with the resources available. when you did something 20 plus years ago, and then return to doing it again, the environment looks much different.

    Too, add to your equation of more things in less time, also add with less staff. I think things get pushed around to make showings and reports are altered to fit the readers desires and all the while the site folks scramble to do the best they can. Who suffers, the residents,