Apartment Executives: Are you ready for the conversation?

Not to speak for Eric Brown over at Urbane Apartments but I think he and I agree that it is time for the conversation to start. Let me back up…the conversation has begun and we wonder when the big players will join in. You look around the landscape and missing from the conversation are the likes of Equity Residential, Riverstone Residential, UDR and AIMCO just to name a few.

I know I would enjoy engaging in conversation with some of the leading apartment executives in our industry. And, I am very certain your resident base would enjoy the conversation as well. I mean, imagine unlocking the potential marketing force of two-hundred thousand plus residents? Imagine converting just one percent of that number into evangelists for your brand. Imagine letting the apartment searcher tell you, in public, what makes for a better search experience. Imagine giving them a forum where they give you unadulterated and real time feedback. Imagine being able to respond rather than react to the issues concerns and success stories they would share. Resident portals are a great first step but blogging in the open for all to see is much more authentic and transparent.

For those that have no idea how to get started let me point you to Debbie Weil – She wrote a great book on the subjects called The Corporate Blogging Book: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know to Get It Right.

In a spirit of competitiveness I look forward seeing who has it in them to be ‘first.’ Let me pre-applaud you for your foresight and courage.

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0 Responses

  1. Mike, Great Post and I hope it stirs someone up, but I doubt it.

    First and foremost, there are some excellent CEO’s and Executive Management running the big apartment companies, However, they are not here, in this space, because if they were, they would have already left comments before. I also think there is a perception that they can just call up their ad agency or marketing firm and buy some Social Media, and frankly that’s what they are doing.

    Sadly, that doesn’t work. Social Media, in its simplest form is Listening and participating in the Conversation.

  2. Thanks Eric. I must sadly agree with you on this one. That said, I think that enough shots across the bow of the ship might wake the mighty warriors. That’s my attempt at humor.

    Have a great weekend. M