Apartment Leasing: A tip to help you close more deals

I think this quote sums it up. I would love to hear your thoughts on what it means to you, in practical terms.

Dale Carnegie: “You can make more friends in two months by becoming
interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get
other people interested in you.”

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0 Responses

  1. This definitely reminds me of another quote I like, “A sale is not something you get. It’s what happens while you’re busy serving your customers.”

    I find this basic truth to be solid… if you express a genuine interest in what is important to other people, and connecting with them on some fundamental level… they make that first, cruicial buying decision: you.

  2. What the quote says to me; that many times the most interesting person in the room to many is themselves. So if you focus your interest and listen to others rather than trying to make them listen to you…you will make more friends.