Go Rambunctious Into That Good Night

The Ruppies are upon us. Arriving at the pace of on every eight seconds, the Baby Boomers are coming and in full force. Armed with $2 trillion in annual income you better believe they mean business. Or, better, they can do business.

Earlier today I posed the question on Twitter, Do you think apartment residents care more about function or style? And, before I go on, I must admit that I don’t know the answer. That being said, my gut tells me that style trumps function. I did get a lot of feedback on the question but still am uncertain of the answer.

I did come across an article today in Kitchen and Bath Business that spoke to my gut. Here is the article if you want to read it in full but the line that struck me is as follows:

When trying to appeal to ruppies, avoid ageism and labeling them as
“seniors” or “retired individuals.” Make sure that your messages speak
the truth and communicate deeper meanings and emotional connections.
This group judges brands, products and services by the value gained and
expects more than just utility and functionality.

The Ruppies want more than utility and function which tells me they want style and cool. They want to be in the middle of it all.

What do you think?