Ran across this blog post this morning and thought to myself, yeah, it should die.
Here is an excerpt:
Tech writer Michael Arrington wishes everyone would stop using voicemail because it takes too much time to listen to a message (versus reading it), and checking traditional voicemail is outside of a computer-based workflow.
I think all voice mail should be automatically converted to text and sent to an email inbox. preferably on that is checked and more importantly acted on.
All that said, I see the value in the spoken word, even if it is over the phone.
Your thoughts? Technorati Tags: voicemail, apartment marketing
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Oh, come on Mike. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve called people after sending them one or two emails. Why? Because I’d like to HEAR their voice. I’d like to have inflection, emotion, feeling, connectivity…humanity in a conversation once in awhile. I’ve noticed that more and more websites don’t offer a phone number under ‘contact us’ anymore. And sometimes, this actually keeps me from contacting the company. If they only want email, I’m not sure if I want to do business with them.
Call me old fashioned, but there are times when reaching out and touching someone, with an actual voice, is pretty darned nice.
Technology be damned. Pick up the phone.
I have to agree with Lisa. I don’t think that we are there as a society yet. No matter how tech savvy, and how in control of the experience the resident or future resident is, at some point, most of them will want to talk to somebody. Just the other day, I was experiencing a problem with a product and nowhere, nowhere, could I find a phone number. They forced me to email when I really wanted a live human to commiserate with.
Don’t assume the majority of the world is as into typing as some of us are.
Voicemail doesn’t need to be cumbersome, and it can be effective – even creative in its approach.
I agree, Mike. Now, this doesn’t mean they can’t call and leave a voicemail. It would just (thank god) mean that I could READ it instead of sitting there, listening to them drone ON AND ON AND ON when the point was “Hi, I’m in 15-202 and I need my weather stripping replaced.”
Seriously, that would be amazing.
And I guess I’m just a tech snob, because for my photography business, I don’t list my number on my website. It’s on a few databases and a few directories, and that in and of itself causes me enough phone traffic that I spend my lunch hour returning calls when I would prefer to respond to emails throughout the day.