We completed our first Flip video resident testimonial yesterday and got it uploaded today. I posted it to our property blog tonight. Check it out [here]
*Keep in mind, it is our first attempt. Read: be gentle
We completed our first Flip video resident testimonial yesterday and got it uploaded today. I posted it to our property blog tonight. Check it out [here]
*Keep in mind, it is our first attempt. Read: be gentle
0 Responses
No being gentle required! I thought the video was great, especially for a first attempt. It seemed authentic and not over-produced. Good job!
Mike, It was pretty cool, great job. Now, how do you distribute this for effective marketing
Yes. Our thought is to get this out via links on our company website as well as our Facebook, MySpace, Squidoo sites.
I am considering discussions with the likes of Forrent, and all the other ILS’s to see if they would allow me to get it on their sites.
I think testimonials are powerful if done right and in the spirit of transparency I think they can send a powerful message.
I am searching for one of our residents who had a powerful negative experience that we handed in a timely and appropriate manner. That reverse hero principle that you have mentioned many times and is powerful as a brand builder.
Why not talk to ApartmentRatings to see what it would take to incorporate video ratings, as well? They should already be discussing this…