Podcasts in the Apartment industry

Now here is a social media concept I have given no time to. I have read a lot about it and have even signed up to receive a few but never thought much about how our industry might put it to use. Well Grace Hill has planted a seed in my mind with the introduction of their new service, Grace Hill Radio.

Here is a blurb from their latest newsletter;

Hill Radio
is a monthly podcast designed to bring you the latest and
greatest in multifamily news and education, including interviews and
discussions of hot industry topics. “Podcast”, by the way, is just a fancy way of saying a radio show that is delivered via the computer. Grace
Hill Radio can be played right on your computer or downloaded to a
mobile device such as an MP3 player or iPod for learning on the go

If you don’t know what Grace Hill does then take the time to check them out by clicking on anyone of the links above.

Still feeling a little under the weather today but feel the energy level rising. Have a terrific Thursday. M

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