I read about this two years ago and actually met a gentleman from England that worked with the technology. It was highly fascinating. He told me that at sometime in the near future it would not be uncommon for the worlds best brain surgeon to operate from say, England, on a patient in New York. He would simply place his hands in these highly technical and precise gloves and while watching a life-size wall of video transmitted over the grid he would preform operations. The operating instruments would be controlled by the surgeon over the GRID. Can you say WOW!

Could you imagine the uses in our business? Someone could frankly meet our leasing professionals live and real time via the GRID. We could tour them through the community using pre-recorded movies all the while the agent is providing real time narrative and answering questions along the way. All the while the prospect is setting at home in their pajamas. And or if they felt the need they could use the GRID to camera in. Entire leasing transactions could happen without the prospect or leasing consultant leaving their respective chairs.

We have a very smart community developing on our blog; what are your thoughts on this? [read more about GRID technology here]

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