I find this whole thing highly engaging. This article comes from The Tribune, somewhere near Houston, Texas best I can tell. So far I would agree with this the argument articulated in this article;

“The law should respect and protect the right of, or any
other such matching service, to design a questionnaire that suits their
customers’ needs. Roommate seekers who object to a particular
questionnaire are free to find another matching service, or to start
their own.

“This case illustrates why the
Fair Housing Act, which does nothing but infringe on freedom of
contract in the housing market, should be repealed.” [read the rest here]

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0 Responses

  1. I agree, as well. I find that Fair Housing is flawed in that it assumes guilt. The problem is that people are so incredibly afraid of fair housing that they do hardly anything to create unique niche communities based upon lifestyle. So in the end, everybody suffers from a one-size fits all mentality.