Apartment Forums

I will likely be publishing a ton of thoughts on this subject over the next few weeks so I apologize in advance to those of you that have no interest in the subject. I will try to lace in tidbits on other topics to keep the discussion fresh.

That said, here is the first point that I think all owners have to consider if they tread into the blogging and or forum arena. You have to be front and center in the discussions. You have to be a voice in as many discussions as you can. If you think you don’t/won’t have time, let me suggest to you that the consumer of your product has time and they can and will exercise it.

Now I’m not suggesting that you have to respond to everything and or start every conversation and in the same breath I would counsel you to take part in a meaningful way.

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0 Responses

  1. You are incredibly right. We’ve seen that properties who have an active management team on their forums create much more activity, adoption, and use. This is especially true at the launch of a forum, as the management team often fills the position of “host”. That doesn’t mean they have to take a lot of time doing it though – it usually takes less than a minute to make a post. The difference lies with those who actually take that minute to do so.

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