I don’t want people to know

I struggle with statements like this:

"The key is the taste," Tu said. "Ideally, I don’t want people to know what they are eating is vegetarian."

That was a quote from a fast vegetarian food restaurant owner. Now I understand from dollars and cents perspective why he would say that. He has the opportunity to attract both vegetarian’s and non-vegetarians or cannibalvegans, those who go back and forth. And furthermore he knows that the mass of citizens are already trained on taste by McDonalds, Burger King and to some degree Wendy’s.

But under the guise of being authentic why would you not shout from the rooftops that your product is what your product is? We can’t say it enough, consumers want authentic experiences and that includes the advertising that gets them and keeps them coming back. Why would you disassociate your great tasting vegetarian meal from being a vegetarian meal? 

Do you think we do that in the apartment business when we market our respective communities. Do we disassociate from the very thing we should be creating connection with?

What do you think?