Multifamily customer service team answers the question(s)…

Two ways to hear the customer/prospect;
A. You hear the customer/prospect as a troubled child who has nothing
better to do but complain or ask questions. B. You hear the customer/prospect as busy
but intelligent professions who have something valuable to say.

Many times you catch the next best idea by learning how to listen to the customer/prospect.

I have a friend, Jackie Weissmiller, who used to play a game with her
associates called “we can answer any question.” Okay, I made up the
name but it fits. What she did was challenge her leasing consultants, assistant managers, maintenance supervisors and technicians to make a list of every
question they could not or did not have an answer for. What she did from there was profound! She helped them find the answer and pretty soon there were very few questions they could not answer and along the way in
researching some of the answers to those questions they created
valuable services for their prospects and residents alike. Not only that, they grew very confident in their approach to property management.

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