Cool marketing idea for leasing consultants

I am often asked the question; "What are some cool marketing ideas that I can use?" The question usually comes from leasing consultants or leasing directors. That in mind I am going to spend the next few posts attempting to share a few.

My first marketing idea for leasing consultants, frankly for everyone in your office; Stand to meet and greet your apartment prospects, residents and vendors! Now you might be thinking that is not marketing and it sure is not a "cool" marketing idea. That in mind, I challenge you to try it for one solid week. You have to commit to doing it with passion and authenticity. After a week write me back and tell me how it went.

Here is the one fact I can tell you from experience. It rarely happens in our leasing offices. So the reason it will be effective for you is that you will be the only one doing it in your market and therefore it will give cause for you to stand out and to be talked about which is the purpose of marketing, right?

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