The essence of the property managment business!!!

Someone once quipped that, “Macroeconomists have successfully predicted nine of the last five recessions.”

As we are on the cusp of what might be a recession in the great US of A and or what John Mauldin calls a “muddle through economy I think we all need to step back and rethink our approach to the business of property management. What do I mean by that? What I mean is, what are we all really here for at the end of the day? What I mean is to determine what the true essence of our business is.

I start with this question and I dare you to answer it; What do you think the true essence of our business or heck for that matter of any business is?

Click here to answer if you dare.

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0 Responses

  1. Alrighty… well I think this is a two-part answer.

    I know what the true essence of our business should be. I do not believe that what we do each day accurately shows our residents, prospects, shareholders and team members what that “essence” is. In fact, I’ll go so far as to say that for a great majority of employees in this industry, it’s a job we go to because of its security and comfort. I don’t know of many employees (regardless of which company they work for) who would stay if they won the lottery because of the difference they make in lives each day. I’m not preaching here because I wouldn’t stay if I won the lottery. But, it says something about how we feel about our jobs and what kind of validation, dedication and joy we do or don’t get day in and day out.

    We should be dedicated to total customer service. We help people find their homes; that is one of the most important things to a person, not to mention likely the biggest check they write every month. That’s where they spend over 1/3 of their lives. In addition to that, we want to be their number one choice for apartment living. Unless we’ve figured out how to be genuine instead of car salesmen… we’re never going to be truly good at what we do.