Experts in Property Management

An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.” Niels Bohr

I read somewhere that it takes a good 10 years of study and application in one specific niche to be considered an expert.

With that I wonder who you think are the experts in our field.

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  1. Definitely a good question. I wouldn’t be able to throw names out there off the top of my head. Does this mean that anyone with 10 years experience is automatically an expert?

    What constitutes being an expert anyway?

    I’ve seen leasing consultants with a ridiculous amount of drive, knowledge and talent who were promoted to managers and regional managers inside three years. I’ve seen property managers and regional managers who have been with companies for ten, fifteen, twenty years who I might quietly think to be incompetent.

    In truth, an expert is someone who gets the job done well, impacts each person they come into contact with in a positive and impressive way, and never thinks they have nothing left to learn.