A Property Manager’s right…

[There is a] "difference between what you have the right to do, and what is the right thing to do." -Potter Stewart, U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

I have some thought about this relative to the apartment management business, however I would like to hear what you have to think.

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0 Responses

  1. You have the right to ask someone to leave when they are being obnoxious; however, the right thing to do is to invite them in and sit down with a cup of tea and let them vent. They might be having a bad day and something the apartment complex did was the last straw and you are getting the brunt. It is the hardest thing to do for most as the most natural inclination is to not listen and plan your next words while they are talking. Your hairs may be standing on end at the back of your neck. The right thing to do is to just let them talk and you listen.

  2. Great topic. Also, great comment there.

    I think this is important. I know of many apartment managers who are absolute sticklers for the policies and rules. You’re transferring to another community? It’s free if that community is 25 miles away or more. The one you’re moving to is 24.5? That will be $350, please.

    I happen to work for a property manager who is fantastic at doing the right thing. He keeps the ultimate outlook in customer service and I’m sure most residents or prospects who have come into contact with him would give a positive referral. They come in screaming and leave smiling.