Action is a character in collaboration

Definitions of action on the Web:

  • 1. something done (usually as opposed to something said); "there were stories of murders and other unnatural actions"

  • The purpose of my post today is to expose the, "they’s and them’s" that hold great apartment manageent teams back.

    Let’s start with the Number 1 "They/Them;" Those who have nonactionitis. You know the ones; we can’t do that because…, we tried that and…, yeah, but…, I hate to play devil’s advocate here, but…!

    All that being said there is value to an alternative view and or opinion. I know that to be true in my world as I tend to be the guy with the way over there ideas and if I didn’t have people around me willing to slow me down or temper my focus then I would surely be void.

    I firmly believe it is all in how you couch it.