Modern Convenience

First gas stations. Then grocery stores. And now there’s even a fitness club that stays open around the clock.

Do you think the craze will ever hit our business on a mass basis? I don’t mean just the 24/7 concierge, I mean a full on leasing and maintenance team ready to serve.

Thoughts? Click on Comments to leave me your idea. M

0 Responses

  1. If you think about it, with resident portals, we basically ARE available 24/7 – dontcha think?


  2. It’s a good question. Lisa T is right about the portals. Will teams be available 24.7, who knows? But a fast turnaround is definitely expected for the slightest request. portals that allow tenants, owners, etc to contact PMs might find they’re way into the mainstream. How big are they now?

  3. Lisa, Tre, Thank you for taking the time to comment!!! You both made my day!!! I agree with your thoughts but I guess I am thinking more along the lines of real physical interaction. You know, come into my office at 2 in the morning and while I won’t show you an apartment, I will at least offer you a cup of coffee and a preview of my new U-Tube Video starring Apartment 1234 and yours truly. 🙂

    Again, thanks for taking the time. M