The Nudge

The Nudge is sometimes used to draw one’s attention to something. It’s also used to push something or someone along, i.e. a mama bird pushing a babe out of the nest.

When Your In a Slump

It’s time to shine! It’s 2Q14; the sun is out, the flowers are blooming, the trees are raving to the spirit and sounds of the afternoon winds.  And, it’s PRIME APARTMENT LEASING TIME! It’s #gameon #timetoshine #letsrock #headsonbeds !

But you’re in a slump!

What to do? It’s different for everybody. Some read. Some run. Some call a friend. Some cry. Some shout.

And some give up. Boo!

Let me tell you what to do.Follow these steps tomorrow morning:

1. Get over yourself. Ask yourself this question – what four words make a sad man happy and a happy man sad? This too Shall Pass… Whatever it is – it will be over before you know it.

2. Set your alarm clock for an hour earlier and put it across the room. This way you have to get out of bed to turn it off.

3. Drink a glass of water. A full one to the bottom.

4. Go outside and listen to the morning. Birds make some crazy awesome sounds if you take the time to listen.

5. Walk. One block. Two blocks. One mile. Two miles. Briskly. And breath deeply through the nose and out of your morning breath mouth. That’s right – stun some wildlife. If they have a problem refer them to step #1

6. Eat a great big breakfast. Organic and Gluten Free. And with some greens (vegetables).

7. Read something positive. Ex. As a Man Thinketh; so is he. Think about that. If you think your going to have a bad day – your mind will go to work finding all the ways to satisfy your thought. If you think you’re a ‘bad-to-the-bone leasing rock star day; then your mind will go about finding every reason to satisfy that thought.

8. If none of that works – email me your phone number and I will call to tell you all the reasons you are over-the-top amazing; supported by some massively awesome facts about how the leasing day to come will be the best you have ever experienced.

Your giving you the nudge because I care Multifamily Maniac,